Saturday, June 13, 2009

Maybe Moe's might make me manager?

It's been a while since I last blogged. The hunt for a second or full-time job isn't going very well, but things are good at Moe's.

Since I got my own vehicle I've gotten bolder in asking Marc, my manager, to show me what more I can learn to do in order to make things easier for him. One thing I had in mind was caterings. Usually it's either Marc or Alyson that delivers the caterings, but since I also have a license, I asked what needs to be done in order for me to be able to take them myself, since I know that both Marc and Alyson prefer to be able to stay at the store and help there.
Marc took my request and not only offered to let me ride along a few times, but he showed me how to prepare the catering the night before, and soon he is going to show me how to take the order over the phone, so I will be able to take care of a catering from phone order to set up, to delivery. I'm very excited!

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